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CQC Introductions : Overview of Quantum Computing

Quantum Computation

By David Deutsch and Artur Ekert

from the March 1998 issue of Physics World

A new way of harnessing nature

Many milestones in the history of technology have involved the discovery of new ways of harnessing nature --- exploiting various physical resources such as materials, forces, and sources of energy. In the twentieth century information was added to this list when the invention of computers allowed complex information processing to be performed outside human brains. The history of computer technology has itself involved a sequence of changes from one type of physical realisation to another --- from gears to relays to valves to transistors, integrated circuits and so on. Today’s advanced lithographic techniques can etch logic gates and wires less than a micron across onto the surfaces of silicon chips. Soon they will yield even smaller components, until we reach the point where logic gates are so small that they consist of only a few atoms each.

On the scale of human perception and above, classical (non-quantum) laws of physics are good phenomenological approximations, but on the atomic scale the laws of quantum mechanics become dominant, and they have quite a different character. If computers are to continue to become faster (and therefore smaller), new, quantum technology must replace or supplement what we have now, but it turns out that such technology can offer much more than smaller and faster microprocessors. It can support entirely new modes of computation, with new quantum algorithms that do not have classical analogues. And more: the quantum theory of computation plays an even more fundamental role in the scheme of things than its classical predecessor did, so that anyone who seeks a fundamental understanding of either physics or information processing must incorporate its new insights into their world view.

From bits to qubits

What makes quantum computers so different from their classical counterparts? Let us take a closer look at the basic unit of information: the bit. From a physical point of view a bit is a two-state system: it can be prepared in one of two distinguishable states representing two logical values --- no or yes, false or true, or simply 0 or 1. For example, in digital computers, the voltage between the plates of a capacitor can represent a bit of information: a charge on the capacitor denotes 1 and the absence of charge denotes 0. One bit of information can be also encoded using, for instance, two different polarisations of light or two different electronic states of an atom. Now, quantum mechanics tells us that if a bit can exist in either of two distinguishable states, it can also exist in coherent superpositions of them. These are further states, which in general have no classical analogues, in which the atom represents both values, 0 and 1, simultaneously. To get used to the idea that a physical quantity can have two values at once, it is helpful to consider the experiment in Fig. 1a.

Fig.1a. A half-silvered mirror reflects half the light that impinges upon it. But a single photon doesn’t split: when we send a photon at such a mirror it is detected, with equal probability, either at detector A or B. This does not, however, mean that the photon leaves the mirror in either the horizontal (H) or the vertical (V) direction at random. In fact the photon takes both paths at once! This can be demonstrated with the help of a slightly more complicated experiment shown in Fig. 1b.

A half—silvered mirror is one that reflects half the light that impinges upon it, while allowing the remaining half to pass throughunaffected. Let us aim a single photon at such a mirror, as in Fig.1a. What happens? One thing we know is that the photon doesn’t split in two: we can place photodetectors wherever we like in the apparatus, fire in a photon, and verify that if any of the photodetectors registers a hit, none of the others do. In particular, if we place a photodetector behind the mirror in each of the two possible exit beams, the photon is detected with equal probability at either detector. So does the photon leave the first mirror in one of the two possible directions, at random? It does not! It may seem obvious that at the very least, the photon is either in the transmitted beam H or in the reflected beam V during any one run of this experiment. But that is not so either. In fact the photon takes both paths at once, as can be demonstrated with the help of the apparatus shown in Fig. 1b. Two normal mirrors are placed as so that both paths intersect at a second half—silvered mirror. With this setup we can observe the astonishing, purely quantum phenomenon of single-particle interference.

Fig.1b. Single-particle interference. A photon which enters the interferometer always strikes detector A and never detector B. Any explanation which assumes that the photon takes exactly one path through the interferometer --- either H or V --- leads to the conclusion that detectors A and B should on average each fire on half the occasions when the experiment is performed. But experiment shows otherwise.

 Suppose that a particular photon followed the horizontal path marked H in Fig.1b. after striking the mirror. Then (by comparison with Fig.1a) we should find that the two detectors registered hits with equal probability. Exactly the same would be observed if the photon were on the vertical path V. Hence if it were really the case that the photon takes exactly one path through the apparatus --- no matter which one --- detectors A and B would on average each fire on half the occasions when the experiment is performed. However, that is not what happens. It turns out that in the arrangement shown, the photon always strikes detector A and never detector B.

The inescapable conclusion is that the photon must, in some sense, have travelled both routes at once --- for if either of the two paths is blocked by an absorbing screen, it immediately becomes equally probable that A or B is struck. In other words, blocking off either of the paths illuminates B; with both paths open, the photon somehow receives information that prevents it from reaching B, information that travels along the other path at the speed of light, bouncing off the mirror, exactly as a photon would. This property of quantum interference --- that there appear to be invisible counterparts affecting the motion of particles that we detect --- applies not only to photons but to all particles and all physical systems. Thus quantum theory describes an enormously larger reality than the universe we observe around us. It turns out that this reality has the approximate structure of multiple variants of that universe, co-existing and affecting each other only through interference phenomena --- but for the purposes of this article, all we need of this ‘parallel universes’ ontology is the fact that what we see as a single particle is actually only one tiny aspect of a tremendously complex entity, the rest of which we cannot detect directly. Quantum computation is all about making the invisible aspects of the particle --- its counterparts in other universes --- work for us.

 Fig.2. A sliver of glass inserted into one of the two paths in the interferometer can redirect photons from one detector to another. All photons that enter the top interferometer strike detector A.. In the bottom interferometer, the interference is modified by the presence of the sliver of glass on the vertical path, and as a result all photons end up in detector B. Thus something that has happened on only one of the paths has, with certainty, changed the final outcome of the experiment. This effect is especially useful in quantum computation.

 One effect that is especially useful in quantum computation can be demonstrated if we delay the photon on one of the paths H or V. This can be done by inserting a sliver of glass into that path, as illustrated in Fig.2. Since the interference between the photon and its invisible counterpart depends on their exact arrival times, we can, for instance, choose the thickness of the glass, and hence the delay time, in such a way that the photon will certainly (i.e. in all universes) emerge at detector B instead of detector A. Thus something that has happened on only one of the paths (and hence in only one of the universes) has affected both of them. We shall return to this point below.

Just as the photon can be in a coherent superposition of being on the path H and on the path V, any quantum bit, or qubit, can be prepared in a superposition of its two logical states 0 and 1. That is the sense in which a qubit can store both 0 and 1 simultaneously, in arbitrary proportions. But note that just as the photon, if measured, will be detected on only one of the two paths, so if the qubit is measured, only one of the two numbers it holds will be detected, at random: not a very useful property in itself.

But now let us push the idea of superpositions of numbers a little further. Consider a register composed of three physical bits. A classical 3-bit register can store exactly one of eight different numbers i.e the register can be in one of the eight possible configurations 000, 001, 010, ..., 111, representing the numbers 0 to 7. But a quantum register composed of three qubits can simultaneously store up to eight numbers in a quantum superposition. It is quite remarkable that eight different numbers can be physically present in the same register; but it should be no more surprising than the numbers 0 and 1 both being present in the same qubit. If we add more qubits to the register its capacity for storing quantum information increases exponentially: four qubits can store 16 different numbers at once, and in general L qubits can store up to 2L numbers at once. A 250-qubit register --- essentially made of 250 atoms, say --- would be capable of holding more numbers simultaneously than there are atoms in the known universe. (If anything, this understates the amount of quantum information that they hold, for in general, the elements of a superposition are present in continuously variable proportions, each with its own phase angle as well.) Even so, if we measure the register’s contents, we will see only one of those numbers. However, now we can start doing some non-trivial quantum computation, for once the register is prepared in a superposition of many different numbers, we can perform mathematical operations on all of them at once. For example, if the qubits are atoms then suitably tuned laser pulses affect their electronic states and evolve initial superpositions of encoded numbers into different superpositions. During such an evolution each number in the superposition is affected, so we are performing a massive parallel computation. Thus a quantum computer can in a single computational step perform the same mathematical operation on, say, 2L different input numbers, and the result will be a superposition of all the corresponding outputs. In order to accomplish the same task any classical computer has to repeat the computation 2L times, or has to use 2L different processors working in parallel. In this way a quantum computer offers an enormous gain in the use of computational resources such as time and memory --- though only in certain types of computation.

Quantum algorithms

What types? As we have said, ordinary information storage is not one of them, for although the computer now holds all the outcomes of 2L computations, the laws of physics only allow us to see one of them. However, just as the single answer ‘A’ in the experiment of Fig.2 depends on information that travelled along each of two paths, quantum interference now allows us to obtain a single, final result that depends logically on all 2L of the intermediate results. This is how a remarkable quantum algorithm recently discovered by Lov Grover of AT&T’s Bell Laboratories in New Jersey achieves the mind-boggling feat of searching an unsorted list of N items in only square root N or so steps [1]. Consider, for example, searching for a specific telephone number in a directory containing a million entries, stored in the computer’s memory in alphabetical order of names. It is easily proved (and obvious) that no classical algorithm can improve on the brute-force method of simply iscanning the entries one by one until the given number is found, which will, on average, require 500,000 memory accesses. A quantum computer can examine all the entries simultaneously, in the time of a single access. However, if it is merely programmed to print out the result at that point, there is no improvement over the classical algorithm: only one of the million computational paths (i.e. one in a million universes) would have checked the entry we are looking for, so there would be a probability of only one in a million that we would obtain that information if we measured the computer’s state. But if we leave that quantum information in the computer, unmeasured, a further quantum operation can cause that information to affect other paths, just as in the simple interference experiment described above. In this way the information about the desired entry is spread, through quantum interference, to more universes. It turns out that if this interference generating operation is repeated about 1000 times, (in general, square root of N times) the information about which entry contains the desired number will be accessible to measurement with probability 0.5 --- i.e. it will have spread to more than half the universes. Therefore repeating the entire algorithm a few more times will find the desired entry with a probability overwhelmingly close to 1. In addition to finding the entry with a given property, variations on Grover’s algorithm can also find the largest or smallest value in a list, or the modal value, and so on, so it is a very versatile searching tool. However, in practice, searching a physical database is unlikely to become a major application of Grover’s algorithm --- at least so long as classical memory remains cheaper than quantum memory. For since the operation of transferring a database from classical to quantum memory (bits to qubits) would itself require O(N) steps, Grover’s algorithm would improve search times by at best a constant factor, which could also be achieved by classical parallel processing. Where Grover’s algorithm would really come into its own is in algorithmic searches --- that is, searches of lists that are not stored in memory but are themselves generated on the fly by a computer program.

For instance, a chess-playing quantum computer could use it to investigate a trillion possible continuations from a given position in roughly the number of steps that a classical computer (using blind ‘brute-force’ searching) would need to investigate a mere million. Despite the greater scope for ‘tree-pruning’ in classical chess-playing algorithms, this is likely to provide a very significant improvement. As Gilles Brassard of the Universitéde Montréal has recently pointed out, another important application of Grover’s algorithm will be in cryptanalysis, to attack classical cryptographic schemes such as DES (the Data Encryption Standard)[2]. Cracking DES essentially requires a search among 256 =7 x1016 possible keys. If these can be checked at a rate of, say, one million keys per second, a classical computer would need over a thousand years to discover the correct key while a quantum computer using Grover’s algorithm would do it in less than four minutes. By some strange coincidence, several of the superior features of quantum computers have applications in cryptography. One of them is Grover’s algorithm. Another is the quantum algorithm discovered in 1994 by Peter Shor, also of AT&T’s Bell Laboratories in New Jersey, for factorising large integers efficiently [3]. Here the difference in performance between the quantum and classical algorithms is even more spectacular.

Mathematicians believe (firmly, though they have not actually proved it) that in order to factorise a number with N decimal digits, any classical computer needs a number of steps that grows exponentially with N: that is to say, adding one extra digit to the number to be factorised generally multiplies the time required by a fixed factor. Thus, as we increase the number of digits, the task rapidly becomes intractable. The largest number that has been factorised as a mathematical challenge, i.e. a number whose factors were secretly chosen by mathematicians in order to present a challenge to other mathematicians, had 129 digits. No one can even conceive of how one might factorise, say, thousand-digit numbers by classical means; the computation would take many times as long the estimated age of the universe. In contrast, quantum computers could factor thousand-digit numbers in a fraction of a second --- and the execution time would grow only as the cube of the number of digits.

Now, the intractability of factorisation underpins the security of what are currently the most trusted methods of encryption, in particular of the RSA (Rivest, Shamir and Adleman) system, which is often used to protect electronic bank accounts (Public key cryptography was originally discovered by Ellis and Cocks of the British Government Communication Headquarters GCHQ). Once a quantum factorisation engine (a special-purpose quantum computer for factorising large numbers) is built, all such cryptographic systems will become insecure. Indeed, in one sense they are already insecure: any RSA-encrypted message that is recorded today will become readable moments after the first quantum factorisation engine is switched on, and therefore RSA cannot be used for securely transmitting any information that will still need to be secret on that happy day.

Admittedly, that day is probably decades away, but can anyone prove, or give any reliable assurance, that it is? Confidence in the slowness of technological progress is all that the security of the RSA system now rests on. What quantum computation takes away with one hand, it returns, at least partially, with the other. One of the simplest types of quantum computation—a type which is now routinely carried out in the laboratory and may soon be a commercial proposition --- is quantum cryptography [4]. The reason why it is already feasible is that it requires only one qubit and one quantum computational step at a time. It provides perfect security because unlike all classical cryptography (except the one-time pad) it relies on the laws of physics rather than on ensuring that successful eavesdropping would require excessive computational effort. Note, however, that existing systems have limited range.

The potential power of quantum phenomena to perform computations was first adumbrated in a talk given by Richard Feynman at the First Conference on the Physics of Computation held at MIT in 1981 [5]. He observed that it appeared to be impossible in general to simulate a evolution of a quantum system on a classical computer in an efficient way. The computer simulation of quantum evolution typically involves an exponential slowdown in time, compared with the natural evolution, essentially because the amount of classical information required to describe the evolving quantum state is exponentially larger than that required to describe the corresponding classical system with a similar accuracy. (To predict interference effects, one has to describe all the system’s exponentially many counterparts in parallel universes.) However, instead of viewing this intractability as an obstacle, Feynman regarded it as an opportunity. He pointed out that if it requires that much computation to work out what will happen in a multi-particle interference experiment, then the very act of setting up such an experiment and measuring the outcome is equivalent to performing a complex computation.

Quantum computation has already been used, in simple cases, to predict the behaviour of quantum systems. At some point in the foreseeable future, they will take on a new and irreplaceable role in the structure of science, for the ability of science to make predictions will then depend on quantum computation. The foundations of the quantum theory of computation (which must now be regarded as the theory of computation --- Turing’s classical theory being only an approximation) were laid down in 1985 when David Deutsch of the University of Oxford published a crucial theoretical paper in which he described a universal quantum computer [6]. Since then, the hunt has been on for interesting things for quantum computers to do, and at the same time, for the scientific and technological advances that could allow us to build quantum computers.

Building quantum computers

In principle we know how to build a quantum computer; we start with simple quantum logic gates and connect them up into quantum networks [7].

A quantum logic gate, like a classical gate, is a very simple computing device that performs one elementary quantum operation, usually on two qubits, in a given time. Of course, quantum logic gates differ from their classical counterparts in that they can create, and perform operations, on quantum superpositions.

However as the number of quantum gates in a network increases, we quickly run into some serious practical problems. The more interacting qubits are involved, the harder it tends to be to engineer the interaction that would display the quantum interference. Apart from the technical difficulties of working at single-atom and single-photon scales, one of the most important problems is that of preventing the surrounding environment from being affected by the interactions that generate quantum superpositions. The more components there are, the more likely it is that quantum information will spread outside the quantum computer and be lost into the environment, thus spoiling the computation. This process is called decoherence. Thus our task is to engineer sub-microscopic systems in which qubits affect each other but not the environment.

Some physicists are pessimistic about the prospects of substantial further progress in quantum computer technology. They believe that decoherence will in practice never be reduced to the point where more than a few consecutive quantum computational steps can be performed. (This, incidentally, would already allow for some very useful devices--- see the table below.) Other, more optimistic researchers believe that practical quantum computers will appear in a matter of years rather than decades. We tend towards the optimistic end of the scale, partly because theory tells us that there is now no fundamental obstacle in the way, partly because of the astonishing talents and problem-solving abilities of the experimental physicists now working on this project, and partly because optimism makes things happen.

However, the problems will not be solved in one fell swoop. The current challenge is not to build a fully-fledged universal quantum computer right away, but rather to move from the experiments in which we merely observe quantum phenomena to experiments in which we can control those phenomena in the necessary ways. Simple quantum logic gates involving two qubits are being realised in laboratories in Europe and U.S.A. The next decade should bring control over several qubits and, without any doubt, we shall already begin to benefit from our new way of harnessing nature. It is known, for instance, that simple quantum networks can offer better frequency standards [8]. Some possible milestones in the development of quantum computer technology are shown in the table below.

Milestones in the development of quantum computer technology

Type of hardware

Number of qubits needed

Number of steps before decoherence


Quantum Cryptography



Already implemented

Entanglement-based quantum cryptography



Demonstrated in lab

Quantum controlled-NOT gate



Demonstrated in lab

Composition of quantum gates



Demonstrated in lab

Deutsch's algorithm



Demonstrated in NMR quantum computer

Channel capacity doubling







Achieved intermittently

Entanglement swapping



Achieved intermittently

Repeating station for quantum cryptography

A few

A few

Theory not yet complete

Quantum simulations

A few

A few

Simple cases demonstrated

Grover;s algorithms with toy data




Ultra-precise frequency standards

A few

A few


Entanglement purification

A few

A few


Shor's algorithms with toy data




Quantum factoring engine




Universal quantum computer




(the table was compiled in March 1998)


Deeper implications

When the physics of computation was first investigated systematically in the 1970s, the main fear was that quantum-mechanical effects might place fundamental bounds on the accuracy with which physical objects could realise the properties of bits, logic gates, the composition of operations, and so on, which appear in the abstract and mathematicallysophisticated theory of computation. Thus it was feared that the power and elegance of that theory, its deep concepts such as computational universality, its deep results such as Turing’s halting theorem, and the more modern theory of complexity, might all be mere figments of pure mathematics, not really relevant to anything in nature.

Those fears have not only been proved groundless by the research we have been describing, but also, in each case, the underlying aspiration has been wonderfully vindicated to an extent that no one even dreamed of just twenty years ago. As we have explained, quantum mechanics, far from placing limits on what classical computations can be performed in nature, permits them all, and in addition provides whole new modes of computation, including algorithms that perform tasks (such as perfectly secure public-key cryptography) that no classical computer can perform at all. As far as the elegance of the theory goes, researchers in the field have now become accustomed to the fact that the real theory of computation hangs together better, and fits in far more naturally with fundamental theories in other fields, than its classical approximation could ever have been expected to. Even at the simplest level, the very word ‘quantum’ means the same as the word ‘bit’ --- an elementary chunk --- and this reflects the fact that fully classical physical systems, being subject to the generic instability known as ‘chaos’, would not support digital computation at all (so even Turing machines, the theoretical prototype of all classical computers, were secretly quantum-mechanical all along!). The Church-Turing hypothesis in the classical theory (that all ‘natural’ models of computation are essentially equivalent to each other), was never proved. Its analogue in the quantum theory of computation (the Turing Principle, that the universal quantum computer can simulate the behaviour of any finite physical system) was straightforwardly proved in Deutsch’s 1985 paper. A stronger result (also conjectured but never proved in the classical case), namely that such simulations can always be performed in a time that is at most a polynomial function of the time taken for the physical evolution, has since been proved in the quantum case.

Among the many ramifications of quantum computation for apparently distant fields of study are its implications for both the philosophy and the practice of mathematical proof. Performing any computation that provides a definite output is tantamount to proving that the observed output is one of the possible results of the given computation. Since we can describe the computer’s operations mathematically, we can always translate such a proof into the proof of some mathematical theorem. This was the case classically too, but in the absence of interference effects it is always possible to note down the steps of the computation, and thereby produce a proof that satisfies the classical definition: ‘a sequence of propositions each of which is either an axiom or follows from earlier propositions in the sequence by the standards rules of inference’. Now we must leave that definition behind. Henceforward, a proof must be regarded as a process --- the computation itself, not a record of all its steps --- for we must accept that in future, quantum computers will prove theorems by methods that neither a human brain nor any other arbiter will ever be able to check step-by-step, since if the ‘sequence of propositions’ corresponding to such a proof were printed out, the paper would fill the observable universe many times over.

 Concluding remarks

Experimental and theoretical research in quantum computation is now attracting increasing attention from both academic researchers and industry worldwide. The idea that nature can be controlled and manipulated at the quantum level is a powerful stimulus to the imagination of physicists and engineers. There is almost daily progress in developing ever more promising technologies for realising quantum computation and new quantum algorithms with various advantages over their classical counterparts. There is potential here for truly revolutionary innovation.

 Further reading

The newly established Centre for Quantum Computation at the University of Oxford has several WWW pages and links devoted to quantum computation and cryptography. Some of the deeper implications of quantum computing are discussed at length in The Fabric of Reality by David Deutsch (Allen Lane, The Penguin Press, 1997). The discovery of public key cryptography by GCHQ is described on the CESG web pages.


[1] Grover, L. K. "A Fast Quantum Mechanical Algorithm for Database Search" Proceedings of the 28th Annual ACM Symposium on the Theory of Computing, Philadelphia, (1996) pp. 212-219.

[2] Brassard, G., Science vol. 275, p. 627 (1997).

[3] Shor, P. "Algorithms for quantum computation: discrete logarithms and factoring" Proceedings 35th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, Santa Fe, NM, USA, 20-22 Nov. 1994, IEEE Comput. Soc. Press (1994) pp. 124-134.

[4]. Wiesner, S. "Conjugate Coding" SIGACT News, Vol. 15, 1983, pp. 78-88; Brassard, G. and Bennett, C.H., Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Signal Processing, 1984, p. 175 Ekert, A. "Quantum Cryptography Based on Bell's Theorem" Physical Review Letters, Vol. 67 1991 pp. 661-663.

[5] Feynman, R. P. "Simulating Physics with Computers" International Journal of Theoretical Physics, Vol. 21 (1982) pp. 467-488.

[6] Deutsch, D. "Quantum Theory, the Church-Turing Principle, and the Universal Quantum Computer" Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. A400 (1985) pp. 97-117.

[7] Deutsch, D. "Quantum computational networks" Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A (8 Sept.1989) vol.425, no.1868, pp. 73-90.

[8] Huelga, S.F., Macchiavello, C., Pellizzari, T., Ekert, A.K., Plenio, M.B., and Cirac, J.I., Physical Review Letters (1998), vol. 79, 3865.


Updated for web publication by Wim van Dam (June 1999)


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