Computing With Quantum Physics
Dr. Dobb's Special Report December 2000
Quantum computing offers great promise for very powerful
By David Cory and Raymond LaflammeDavid is a professor
of nuclear engineering at MIT and can be reached at Raymond
is a physicist at Los Alamos National Laboratory and can be reached
Magic of Quantum Computers
All of today's computers obey the laws of classical mechanics --
the laws ruling the macroscopic world. With these rules, you can
classify the difficulty of solving mathematical problems and
discover that some of them are essentially intractable. These hard
to solve problems can be put to use. For example, RSA encryption,
used in most secure Internet transactions, relies on the fact that
the code cannot be broken without great difficulty using classical
computers. But can you change the rules of computing? Quantum
mechanics is the theory that reigns at the microscopic level and it
might allow much more efficient algorithms. Indeed, for selective
problems, quantum computing has been shown to be exponentially more
powerful than known classical algorithms. Over the last few years,
small prototype quantum computers have even been built, and we are
slowly learning how to program them.
Bits and Qubits
All information on a classical computer is translated into
strings of bits. They are physically implemented by the presence or
absence of charges in capacitors and can be represented by strings
of 0 and 1. In today's computer, the storage of each bit of
information requires roughly 1 million electrons. In a quantum
computer, each bit is replaced by a qubit (quantum bit): a two-level
state of a single particle that obeys the rules of quantum mechanics
such as in the magnetic state of a single electron. One of the
characteristic rules of quantum mechanics is that the state can
exist in a superposition (see Figure
1), where the particle simultaneously exists in both
computational states; that is, 0 and 1. In many respects, it then
acts as though there were two copies, and a type of computational
parallelism unique to quantum mechanics results.
As in Figure
1, a qubit can be represented by an arrow from the origin to the
surface of a unit sphere. There are two angular degrees of freedom
for a qubit corresponding to the longitude or superposition ( ) and the latitude or quantum phase, ( ). The two extreme states (oriented along the vertical
z-axis) may be compared to classical states, and the superposition
states are those where the vector is positioned in between these and
can be represented by the equation cos |0>+ei sin |1>.
Simultaneous Computational States
Part of the reason that a quantum computer would be so powerful
is the way quantum parallelism scales with the number of qubits.
There are 2n distinct computational states for
n classical bits, and, as in Figure
2, all of these can be created simultaneously with only n
qubits. To classically run through all 2n possible
values of n bits requires a straightforward set of
2n trials; but with a quantum processor, a
superposition state that simultaneously contains all
2n states can be created through only n
rotations, and using only n qubits.
The magnitude of this exponential scaling is seen most easily
through a comparison between the resources necessary to create all
possible computational states of an n-bit classical system
and an n-qubit quantum system. Figure
3 compares the ability of classical and quantum processors to
manipulate information for very large systems. As the size of
quantum processors increases, the size of their computational space
increases exponentially. The result is that quantum computers of
only a few tens of qubits cannot be simulated on even the most
powerful classical computers. The horizontal axis is the number of
qubits in the quantum computer, and the vertical axis is the
required size for a classical computer that could contain the same
amount of information. The Earth example is of course a fiction; the
assumed sample is a volume of water the size of the Earth from which
the two protons in each molecule are used as classical bits.
A surprising point is that for certain problems, the largest
classical computers are unable to simulate the dynamics of quantum
computers containing only tens of qubits. Indeed, a general
simulation of a 100-qubit quantum computer will probably always
remain out of reach for classical computers. The ability of a
quantum system to simultaneously span an exponentially large number
of states following a linear number of manipulations is one
important component of the power of quantum computers.
Probability and Interference
A second characteristic of quantum mechanics is the probabilistic
nature of measurement. A measurement of a qubit (described in Figure
1, for instance) would give a random answer of either up or
down. The probability of each result is dependent on the angle
describing the superposition (q). For our n-qubit
superposition of Figure
2, the probabilistic result is one number from the classical
list, each element of the list having probability
1/2n. The design of quantum algorithms not only
takes advantage of quantum parallelism, but also requires making the
desired information available with high probability. Thus, a
critical part is to ensure that the answer will be in a classical
state at the end of the computation. This is achieved through a
third characteristic of quantum mechanics -- quantum interference.
This permits the manipulation not only of strings of qubits, but
also of the sum of strings of qubits, and, therefore, allows the
simultaneous calculation of many classical problems at once.
Superposition of states can contain a large amount of information,
but only a small part of this information can be extracted in a
single experiment. Quantum interference is used to give high
probability to measure the desired information corresponding to the
computational result.
Parallelism and Interference
The interplay of quantum parallelism and quantum interference for
efficient computations is best seen through an example. In the
accompanying text box entitled "The Magic of Quantum Computers," we
describe how factoring large integers can be accomplished on a
quantum computer by finding the periodicity of the function
ya mod n. Although each number ya mod
n is present in the superposition, they can be known only
through a measurement that would destroy this superposition. The
periodicity can, however, be determined by a Fourier transform
without an intermediate step of observing any of these numbers. This
transform generates constructive interference of the correct value
of the periodicity and destructive interference for others. This
also shows another puzzling feature of a quantum computer: You
cannot look at intermediate computations without destroying the
delicate quantum superpositions that so efficiently contain the
Toffoli Gates
We can understand all classical algorithms through a set of
universal gates -- fundamental building blocks generating any
desired logic operation. Indeed, the NAND gate by itself is
universal for classical computation. It turns out that NAND gates
are irreversible: Knowledge of the output state is not sufficient to
know the input. This seems to create an incompatibility with the
rules of quantum mechanics, which are reversible. However, classical
logic can be embedded in reversible gates. For example, Toffoli
gates, which keep track of all the information (see Figure
4), can be used to implement the actions of more common logic
operations. On a quantum computer, these gates act on quantum
superpositions as well as classical states. Toffoli gates and
rotations of single qubits are universal for quantum
Challenges Ahead
Although a quantum processor is potentially exponentially more
efficient at manipulating information, a quantum computer does not
speed up every computation, and it has been proven not to improve
algorithms of certain problems. To date, there are three general
areas where a quantum computer would be significantly more powerful
than a classical computer:
- Factoring large numbers.
- Unordered searches.
- Efficient simulation of quantum dynamics.
Peter Shor's integer factorization algorithm is justifiably the
most famous of these, both because it solves an important problem
(breaking RSA encryption) and because it offers an exponential
speedup. This is the algorithm that is explained in "The Magic of
Quantum Computers."
Unfortunately, even though we know some of the areas where a
quantum computer is more powerful than a classical computer, we
still do not have one. To date, there has been a variety of small
quantum processors made in research laboratories with complexities
reaching 7 qubits. The challenge is that we do not yet have
sufficient control over quantum systems to keep them from losing the
quantum correlations and reverting back to classical systems.
Initially, there was a great deal of doubt as to whether the
fragility of quantum systems would permit quantum computation.
Fortunately, progress in understanding how to make quantum
information robust through quantum error correcting codes has given
hope that we might scale up devices superseding their classical
counterparts. It has even been shown that an accuracy threshold
exists (approximately one error per 10,000 gates), so there is a
reasonable expectation that the quantum processing of information
can be made robust. Today, there are many laboratories pursuing a
wide range of quantum transducers that with improved engineering,
may yet become quantum computers. This is still a long road, but the
first steps have been taken.
More Information
Brown, Julian. Mind, Machine and Multiverse: The Quest for the
Quantum Computer, Simon & Schuster, 1999.
Bennett, Charles H. and David P. DiVincenzo. Nature, 404,
247-255, 2000.
Cory, D., et al., "NMR-based Quantum Information Processing:
Achievements and Prospects."
Lloyd, S. "Quantum Mechanical Computers." Scientific
American, April, 1995.
Steane, A. "Quantum Computing," Progress in Physics, 61,
117-173, 1998.
Also, for an extensive list of publications in the field, see
Quantum Physics archives on the Web at