THESE ARE STANDARD EQUATES YOU MAY WANT TO COPY AND PASTE FROM THIS FILE WCHEK EQU $FFA3 DCHEK EQU $FFA6 INIT EQU $FFA9 * USE WITH CAUTION INPUT EQU $FFAC OUTPUT EQU $FFAF OUTLHLF EQU $FFB2 OUTRHLF EQU $FFB5 OUTA EQU $FFB8 OUT1BYT EQU $FFBB OUT1BSP EQU $FFBE OUT2BSP EQU $FFC1 OUTCRLF EQU $FFC4 OUTSTRG EQU $FFC7 OUTSTRGO EQU $FFCA INCHAR EQU $FFCD VECINIT EQU $FFD0 UCASE Checks if Acc A has a lower case alpha char. If so, converts to upper case WCHCK Checks if Acc A has a white space character (space, tab, comma) If so, returns with Z flag set;if not, Z is cleared. DCHEK Checks if ACC A has a delimiter (carriage return or white space). If so, returns with Z flag set; if not, Z is cleared. INIT Initializes I/O device. INPUT Read input device and return the read char in Acc A. If no char is in the input buffer, returns with zero in the Acc A. OUTPUT Write the character in the Acc A OUTLHLF Convert the left nibble of Acc A to ASCII and output to terminal OUTRHLF Convert the right nibble of Acc A to ASCII and output to terminal OUTA Output Acc A to terminal OUT1BYT Output a single byte as two ascii characters. Register X contains the address of the data to be printed. X IS INCREMENTED by the function OUT1BSP Same as OUT1BYT except prints a space after the number OUT2BSP Output two consecutive binary bytes starting at address given in register X followed by a space. X is INCREMENTED by 2 OUTCRLF Output a carriage return followed by a line feed. OUTSTRG Output a string of ASCII characters. The starting address of the string is passed in the X register. The string is terminated by the EOT character ($04). The string is printed on a new line (intial carriage return and line feed). OUTSTRGO Same as OUTSTRG except the leading carriage return, line feed is not printed INCHAR Read a character and return it in Acc A. This function loops until it receives a character. The character is echoed back to the terminal VECINIT LEAVE THIS ALONE!!!