Laboratory 2: Introduction to Looping
1. Objective
To become familiar with HC11 and writing
machine and assembly language code to perform basic looping.
2. Tasks
2.1 Copy a table (machine language code)
Write a program that will copy the table
occupying locations $31A0 - $31AF to locations $3190 -$319F in reverse order.
That is: $31A0 --> $319F, $31A1 --> $319E, ..., $31AF --> $3190.
Your code should closely resemble the discussions in the text book. Define
the values in the table at the top of your program.
2.2 Perform an operation on a sequence of numbers
Write a program that will add a series of bytes
at addresses $3100 - $310F to the series of bytes at addresses $3110 - $311F,
and stores the result in addresses $3120 - $312F respectively. The original bytes
at $310x and $311x should remain unchanged. Define the values to be added to at the top of
your program.
2.3 Looping using assembly language instructions
Modify the program LAB1.ASM (that you wrote
for the first lab) to use counting loops. So, anywhere you perform the
same operation (or set of operations) on a group of consecutive bits, replace
the repeated sets with a single counting loop. Notice the code you need
to add is similar to the code you wrote for the first two parts of this