Freeware assember ASxx.EXE Ver 1.03. 0001 * E-MAIL: 0002 * Name:Nick Sitarski Brandon Harris 0003 * Course: ECE 372 0004 * Term:Summer 2002 0005 * 0006 * Revision History 0007 * 0008 * First Draft: 5/19/02 0009 * -Progress: 0010 * 0011 * Most Recent Revision: 5/19/02 0012 * -Progress: 0013 * 0014 * Date Submitted: 0015 * Demonstration Approval: ______ 0016 * 0017 * MEMORY MANAGEMENT 0018 * 0019 * Program starts at: $2000 0020 * Data Begins at $3C00 0021 0022 ******************************************* 0023 *Set Equates 0024 0025 0020 SPACE EQU $20 0026 ffb8 OUTA EQU $FFB8 0027 ffbb OUT1BYT EQU $FFBB 0028 ffc7 OUTSTRG EQU $FFC7 0029 0030 *Load DATA 0031 0032 3c00 ORG $3C00 *Start at $3c00 0033 3c00 54 68 69 73 20 69 STRING1 FCC 'This is just a test' *Input text 73 20 6a 75 73 74 20 61 20 74 65 73 74 0034 3c13 04 FCB $04 *End Character String 0035 0036 0037 0038 *begin code User has to manually change datapoints themselves. 0039 0040 0041 2000 ORG $2000 0042 0043 2000 ce 3c 00 LDX #$3C00 *Load x with $3c00 0044 2003 c6 04 LDAB #$04 *load accumulator b with 4 0045 2005 18 ce 3d 00 LDY #$3D00 *Load y with #$3d00 0046 0047 2009 a6 00 LOOP LDAA 0,X *Load a with 0048 200b 18 a7 00 STAA 0,Y *store a 0049 200e 08 INX *INC X 0050 200f 18 08 INY *inc Y 0051 2011 11 CBA *Compare A and B 0052 2012 27 02 BEQ DONE *If z flag equal 1 go to done 0053 2014 20 f3 BRA LOOP *If z flag equal 0 go to loop 0054 0055 2016 ce 3c 00 DONE LDX #STRING1 *load x with #String 0056 2019 bd ff c7 JSR OUTSTRG *Print string 0057 0058 0059 201c 3f SWI Number of errors 0